1. Students who have enrolled for school transport shall be allowed to board the designated school bus.
2. The bus will not wait for the late comers.
3. There will be no deviation in the scheduled bus stops without prior permission from the school authorities.
4. Prior permission in writing by the parent must be submitted to the class teacher/ transport incharge, in case a student do not wish to use the school bus on a particular day.
5. Students using school transport are not permitted to travel by any other bus route of the school, but the bus route that has been alloted to him/her.
6. Each student is expected to board or get down from school bus only at his/her regular stop.
7. Unruly behaviour like shrieking/shouting is prohibited in the school bus. Indisciplined behaviour by any student in the school bus will make student ineligible to use school bus transport/ not be permitted.
8. In case of any problem regarding buses or the transport related problems , the Transport Incharge(s) may be contacted.
9. Transport facility cannot be withdrawn in between the session by students. In special cases, one month prior notice is required for withdrawal of Transport Facility