From the desk of Principal
Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself. It’s our proud privilege to be amongst you when school has already completed 32 years in December, 2022 on 12th of this month. Now we are entering into 32nd session of school and have already come a long way. Our school was the first to be inaugurated along with other four schools in 1990 which were opened by DAV College Managing Committee at that time in Delhi.
We began at a humble note in rented premises but shortly shifted to present location in Mausam Vihar. The beginning path was not so rosy but fortunately a superb team was in making as the school was growing leaps and bounds. There had been excellent support of Teachers, Staff, Parents, Management i.e from all stake holders. Many State, National and Inter National accolades came our way in this Journey of 32 years.
“Education is the key to unlocking the world. It is passport to freedom”- Oprah Winfrey. Our prodigies unleashed their outstanding performance in and across the globe. They are best Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Professionals in all walks of life. They had been doing their best in Academics and Co-curricular activities.
Our CBSE Results are constantly in Very Good Category of DAV Schools both in X and XII. We had latest subject options like Mass Media Studies, Fashion Studies, Legal Studies, Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Psychology along with Traditional combinations of Science, Commerce and Professional streams. These subjects give a professional edge to students when they go for higher studies. These subjects pave way for career oriented courses for our students.
ATAL Tinkering Lab provides State of Art facilities for tinkering and innovating, experimenting and exploration apart from Bio, Biotech, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Maths and Integrated Science Labs.
Our students are doing excellent projects in Robotics, Astronomy, Environmental issues, Social causes and Value based education. We are adapting NEP format in letter and spirit. We ensure Universal Access from Pre- Primary to Class XII. It is our endeavor to ensure quality Early Childhood Care and Education of 3-6 years. New Pedagogical and curricular structure is (5+3+3+4), though not fully adopted till now in Delhi State.
In time to come there will be no hard separations between Arts and Sciences, between curricular and extra-curricular, between vocational and academic streams. There will be emphasis on multilingualism and Indian languages; PARAKH will be established to standardize assessment; Equitable and inclusive education – Holistic and Multidisciplinary entry/exit options. Its aim is to achieve 100% Youth and Adult literacy. We are physically ready to explore NEP Recommendations and are training our teachers for it. We provide mandatory five days training and up-gradation programmes to our teachers. DAVCAE works regularly on Research and Training- In service programs.
Our Qualified Counsellors and Special Educators not only resolve learning and behavioral issues of students, they also train and guide teachers on these sensitive issues. They conduct programs on Adolescent Education, Stress Management and Career Counselling programs for students as well as parents. Gender equality and Girl child empowerment is considered on all levels and sensitization programs are conducted regularly.
It is our continuous effort and endeavor to create Enrichment programs to increase minimum level of learning in each section for every child. There is special thrust on Art inclusion, Experiential learning and fitness of all our students as well as staff in totality. The quality index in Academics and Co-Curricular is planned for progressive dynamics. We aim at “Thinking Citizens with a Futuristic vision. Our Progeny should be sensitive towards World Peace, Mankind, and Awakened Orators in making, loving Mother Earth. They should be able to think vertically and horizontally. They should have deep love for humanity.
My Sermon will be incomplete without mentioning our outstanding Alumni. We have Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Media and Fashion Professionals, CEO’s in Multinational Companies/ Corporate Sector and E-Business Professionals etc. Me, being founder Principal is now passing on this legacy to our team of teachers, office and entire team of students and general staff to keep our Institution’s flag high.
We all welcome you and your child in this new session 2023-24 for holistic development and grooming in all spheres and Realms of knowledge and learning. The illiterate of 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. Our Success lies in school, when child learns to adapt this procedure of recognizing his latent potentialities by unwinding his/her inhibitions and grooming into an excellent human being.
Pandemic COVID ’19 despite its all ill effects has given us another area of excellence i.e Online teaching learning process; which even after offline working stands there for us as a rescue measure and is well-received by students and parents alike. We hope to achieve more and more milestones as we have already celebrated Pearl Jubilee and are heading towards Coral Jubilee now in Blended Mode of attaining knowledge.
With Warm Regards,